Our 2018 Halloween Party was a sensory-friendly, language-boosting blast. A special thank-you goes out to our teen group, who worked hard to decorate and plan. Thanks also to our therapists, staff, families, and especially our kiddos for a very fun afternoon! 

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David, a member of our teen group, led Spooky Story Time with two Halloween classics: “Room On a Broom” and “Big Pumpkin”. 

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Our tots also enjoyed story time, listening to “Go Away Big Green Monster”.

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Occupational therapist Linda and her assistant Max (in first photo below) designed Frightful Movement Activities, including an obstacle course, monster mash freeze dance, musical chairs, and toss the pumpkin. 

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A favorite every year is our Erie Sensory Experience where children look, listen, touch, and smell as they guess what’s hidden in each sensory bucket: Worms (spaghetti noodles), eyeballs (grapes), and brains (jello). 

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Speech-Language Pathologist Jacki and a member of our teen group led Haunted Yoga. 

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We loved seeing everyone in costume! 

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Our staff theme: Old McDonald Had a Farm.

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Our teen group did an amazing job decorating our space. 

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Wishing everyone a very Happy Halloween!